January 2016, from Friday 15th to Sunday 17th. 9:30 AM to 7:30 PM.
ETS de Ingeniería Informática, University of Seville, Spain; module E, Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial.
- taxi from airport costs 22€ (25€ by night), bus from airport (linea EA) costs 4€ to Paseo Colón or the terminus Plaza de Armas (6€ if you buy also returning, “ida y vuelta”). From there go to the university by bus line 3 (costs ~2€, pay cash on the bus).
- university has eduroam, we can also have internet access by cable
- sprint room has an electric kettle, a nespresso machine and a fridge
- there is a supermarket nearby and bars/restaurants just crossing the street
- on Friday the faculty cantina will be open from 1 PM to 3 PM (menu costs 4.5€). (In Sevilla people usually eat lunch at 2PM.)
- on Friday we may have more participants (students, teachers)
- Guillaume Hoffmann (gh) - (staying in Sevilla for the whole month)
- Ganesh Sittampalam (Heffalump) - arriving SVQ Thursday 1910, flight leaves SVQ Sunday 2045, staying Exe Sevilla Palmera
- Florent Becker (gal_bolle)
Irrelevant/wontfix/not for this sprint
http://tinyurl.com/darcs-probablyeasy2 - easy bugs to solve
switch from test-framework to tasty
Darcs and stack: add a stack file to darcs for the next releases
- none of us want to do it right now
tentative-files-less darcs?
- we need them. maybe we write them too much before doing the atomic swap?
- nothing obvious to fix, let’s not try anything
Darcs 2.10.3 and 2.12.0 with GHC 8
we don’t have time for this this weekend and GHC 8’s release is no longer imminent anyway
migrate darcs repos to hub.darcs.net ? see http://lists.osuosl.org/pipermail/darcs-devel/2015-March/016712.html
- things that should happen before: issue tracking (up to what’s bugs.darcs.net is doing)
- patch/bundle submission should happen before
- there is old code for that (2 year old) that should be updated w/ email notifications (which we have now in darcsden)
already addressed
- patch XOR as a repo state identifier
- (we discussed about SSID)
- Ga: we could make tags have a cryptographic hash inside of them?
- accepted
- GSoC 2016
- organization application: Feb 8th to 19th
- student application: March 14th to 25th
- we would do the effort of participating only if someone we already know would participate as a student
- we contacted dan
- replace Patch/RealPatch names by something clearer?
- we have to find new names.. they refer to Darcs1 and Darcs2 semantics
- patch sent (new names ara RepoPatchV1/RepoPatchV2)
- user manual + developer handbook
- user manual should be versioned in the darcs repository (more publicity, we don’t have that many contributors)
- so that when people submit patches, we nag them into updating the manual also
- but it should be put online in some semantic url like darcs.net/manual/2.10/
- developer handbook: let’s write in on the wiki
- refactorings for 2.12:
- Ganesh’ stash refactorings?
- maybe not stash stash code but the underlying refactoring can go first
- Ganesh’ stash refactorings?
- interactive selection refactor/generalization for faster rollback with matching ?
- florent: has an old branch for interactive diff