
At a glance

Case for local branches

From Alberto’s email

  • Easier to find out what’s in the branch (compared to another?)
  • Easy overview of set of branches (with something like gitk/tig)
  • One command to create a branch (cf. cd ..; get, cd new-branch or cd old-branch)
  • Diff across tags in different branches (eg. branch-1.5 vs branch-1.6 and diffing (1.5.18 with 1.6.3)

Case for remote branches

One scenario (quoting Stephen Turnbull)

That is the case where bootstrapping your project is very expensive. The workflow here is to create a repository in one of the usual ways, and bootstrap it. Now, if you want to test someone’s changes, instead of cloning their branch (moderately to very expensive in a big tree) and bootstrapping (very expensive), you simply pull the delta to their branch into your “build&test” working tree and remake the changed files.

EYK: how would this be any different from pulling from a remote repository?

I use git to synchronize multibranch repositories across several hosts all the time, and I just don’t see a problem, as long as I don’t rebase. In fact, in a couple of cases I’ve had several wildly divergent versions, and I just pull the branches into one repo from wherever they might be, and mix and match with cherry-picks and merges until I’ve achieved a set of sane up-to-date branches. I see no reason at all why Darcs shouldn’t be even more efficient for this kind of thing.

TODO summary of Max/Grant discussion

Random Eric thoughts

Introducing a lot of new operations and concepts that make Darcs hard to use, for example distinctions between operations that only affect a branch vs operations that affect a set of branches.


  • implement a branch addressing mechanism as Grant suggests (?), eg.

    darcs get /foo/bar:b2 quux     get branch b2 from /foo/bar into quux (with only a branch b2)
    darcs push :b3                 push into branch :b3 of default repo
  • want to preserve the illusion that branches are repos are directories (?) are sets of patches

  • branches should have a defaultrepo (including branch address)

  • introduce darcs branch family of commands

    darcs branch get-all      get all missing branches from current branch's defaultrepo, stripping branch
    darcs branch push-all     for each branch, push to defaultrepo of that branch
    darcs branch pull-all     for each branch, pull from defaultrepo of that branch
    darcs branch list         list all branches
    darcs branch switch :b3   switch to local branch :b3

Random Ganesh thoughts

A minimal(?) implementation would support multiple branches in one repo, but no addressing of branches remotely.

darcs branch create b3    create new branch as a clone of current head (and switch to it?)
darcs branch switch b3    switch to b3 (require no unrecorded changes?)
darcs push local://b3     "remote" operation on in-repo branch

What should head be named, and should it just be a pointer? What does existing repo correspond to in the multi-head world?

Implementation should be on hashed repos only and should be fairly straightforward given the single atomic pointer represented by hashed-pristine. Need to clarify how garbage collection works now (if at all) and how it will work.

Random Owen thoughts

I want to be able to do something similar in style to a `git fetch`. I.e. fetch remote changes, but not apply them. I could then diff/review the patches and decide whether or not to apply them, perhaps at a later date.

Currently, it would require multiple network connections to “decide and fetch now, then apply, without the chance to decide later”, rather than “fetch them all, then decide later”.

> This is what “darcs fetch” does for one branch, but it could be expanded to several branches (darcs fetch repo:*)

Not so random Ben thoughts

Branches are naturally implemented as head inventories. We currently have a single one of them (_darcs/hashed_inventory) and for compatibility this should be kept as the name for the “current” (checked out, in git terms) branch. Other branches could live in a subdirectory (_darcs/branches). When switching between branches we need not only switch the patch sequences and pristine (i.e. the head inventory) but also revert all changes in the working tree to the new pristine.

Keeping _darcs/hashed_inventory as the current branch answers Ganesh’s questions about “head” as well as how it interacts with old (current) darcs versions that know nothing of branches.

Switching to another branch amounts to a revert (to the new pristine) and thus should definitely not be allowed if there are unrecorded changes.

Local branches should be referred to with a simple name, a URL scheme is too awkward to use IMO:

darcs push b3     "remote" operation on in-repo branch

The probability that this collides with a nested repository is low, since nested repos are an exception, and even if a branch has the same name as a nested repo, you can always disambiguate by addressing the nested repo with a “./” prefix.

After working with git for a while I think what git does for push by default is quite usable: the remote branch is the one with the same name as the current local branch. If it doesn’t exist, push will create it (we could make it ask the user if that is okay). What git does for pull is horrible. I think we should use the same behavior for push and pull.

That leaves the question of how to address a different branch in a remote repo. We could use an option:

darcs pull URL -b REMOTE_BRANCH

but a suitable postfix for the URL would also be okay. I still think the best choice here is the “part” option using ‘#’ as separator. (In a shell script you’d have to quote the URL or quote the ‘#’ though.)

An interesting question is what to do about fetch. This currently creates a bundle, which I don’t like too much. The fetch command in git is very nice, but to make it usable in darcs means we need to add remote tracking branches. I am not sure this is worth the extra complications.

Instead of an improved ‘fetch’ command, we could add an option to ‘pull’ that tells it to pull patches into a different (possibly newly created) local branch:


We could also extend the existing –skip-conflicts option by adding an optional argument that denotes a local branch where conflicting patches should be stored:

darcs pull --skip-conflicts=LOCAL_BRANCH